Dolly the Porcelain Doll $20 (LEGACY)
Dolly the Doll
Sfw Pc+Quest
Dont break her~
Buy on Payhip here vvv
Upload Instructions Pc: (Unity 2022 Works)
1:Latest Poi
2:Avatar Package
3:Remove Blueprint Id
4:Hit Build and Publish For Windows
5:If you want a custom photo add the photo added in the download area <3
6:Set to PRIVATE and Upload!
Upload Instructions Quest: (Unity 2022 Works)
1:Change Build Target To Android
2:Avatar package
3:Add Blueprint Id of Pc Version
4:Hit Build and Publish For Android
If you would like to use these assets Please go to their page
If you need help reach me about any issues your having. Ticket or Dms, Both work.
DO NOT Use the assets from my avatar without getting them from the owners. For any reason!
DO NOT Edit this avatar and sell it as your own (free or paid doesn't matter)
DO NOT Set this as Public
DO NOT Upload to someone's account without them buying it from me first.
Detailed TOS here >>
HyperLinks vv
Clothing Credits
Accessory Credits
Base Credits
Unity Credits
Gogo Loco
If you are the creator of one of these and I need to change the shop name or if its wrongly named and linked please make a ticket in my discord with proof <3
1 Unity Package of Dolly